Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Birthday, America

So another 4th of July abroad for me, my 4th in 5 years. Apart from
feeling like an expat, there are several things that help me enjoy
Independence day abroad. 1. Americans use this day as an excuse to
abuse other English speakers, mainly the British and Canadians 2.
Austrailians use our Independence day as an excuse to go even crazier
than usual 3. Loads of deals at American restaurants 4. Dressing like
a patriot (idiot)- people, regardless of nationality, love to wear
stupid looking shirts with American flags all over it 5. The Harley
Davidson summer festival in Interlaken this weekend- should be self

So if you hadn't already guessed, I am still in Interlaken. Yesterday
was too nice to waste being on a train, so I went rafting instead. The
river was great, the water was pretty high and fast. You can refer to
my previous post in summer 05 for details of the river. YouTube video
of jump is still not up, but I am going to walk over there today to
see what the deal is. I have been out all morning searching for some
Budweuser, but as of yet my search has yielded zero results. In my
room the last few days there have been two chicks from south Georgia
and a few guys from Texas (and one Canadian that we are going to pick
on), so we are all going to go down to lake today (because I'm
obviously not going to travel on a national holiday) and then probably
get some good ole American mcDonalds for dinner.

Here are a few notes for Tyree (who was with me last time in
Interlaken): backpackers villa is still full of asians goig to the
Jungfrau, I have searched for the little car we rented but have not
been able to find d it for an updated picture, the guiness tent at
funny farm was destroyed in a snowstorm, the bonfire pit is no more,
and Balmers still sucks.

So I guess I have to leave tomorrow, Jordan is going to be back in
Lyon tomorrow, so I'll probably go there, unless it's a lot easier to
go to Nice. I hope everyone has a great day on your respective rivers
and lakes, see everyone in a few days.