these chaps live a bit right
yes so it has been unreal traveling by myself. ive been out with my aussie mates last night and today. yesterday one of them told me about the imperial war museum so i took the tube over there and literally spent about 6 hours just wandering around. it documents all of britains military history along with all of the conflicts in the 20th century. probably the only museum i have ever enjoyed. last night we played aussie drinking contest at the bar. ill let you interpret that for yourself. today i slept a fair bit and then me and three guys from sweden chilled in the hot tub for quite a while and then went and ate chineese food. it was fairly dissapointing. i am sitting at the computer here in the hostel, and directly across the room there is a bar and tonight is kareoke night. that is not how you spell that but i dont care. its ridiculous. anyway tomorrow i am going to go tour the city i expect, possibly with another huge english breakfast and i might day trip somewhere. all my buddies here are leaving tomorrow so i guess ill have to make new friends. anyway back to the party. hasta luego