sooooooo sick
ah well i am back from my blogging hiatus. been kind of busy the past few days. actually i havent i just said that cause ive been too lazy to get on here and write about nothing, but last night was definately worth writing about. if you dont know who Bela Fleck and the Flecktones are then your music tastes are way too far outside the hippie circle. anyway they are a instrumental jazz jam band, and they have a huge following in the states, like they sell out shows of like 10000 people in 15 minutes kind of following. well last night we got to see them in the courtyard of an old castle with 280 people (i know this because i bought the first ticket). so yea it was an unbelievable venue and they put on a show that was beyond words. now this was a pretty traditional concert setting, people sitting down in chairs just listening to the music. leave it to the the end of the show we have the entire spanish crowd doing the jam band dance in front of the stage with us.
yea so it turned out to be one of the top 5 shows ive ever been too. its not too often you get to see something like that on a friday night in salamanca

after the show went to this english bar called the holy cross and played darts for a while
and of course...5 hours later we see jeff from bela fleck at leonardos (the spanish equivalent of waffle house), he was wasted, we were wasted, and we convinced him to order a chelsea...a sandwich that we just made up and named after a girl. he started talking politics and i do not believe there is a bigger liberal any where in the world. anyway it was pretty cool. we took a bunch of pictures with the band after the show but that can wait for another time.

anyway so today i just got up, doing some laundry, and we are going to head to the pool. our last days in salamanca... its going to be ridiculous. ill put up some pictures tomorrow from the bullfight we are going to in Candellario. peace out