the end of salamanca...
ah well monday is half way done here, our last day of class (exams tomorrow), im excited beyond words. ive learned so much but 6 hours of intense spanish a day may be what is causing my ailments. any way we had an awesome last weekend in salamanca. on saturday about 10 of us went to this huge pool with slides and fountains and all kinds of crazy stuff. they sold litres of rum and coke at the pool. we got thrown out of the pool. it was quite a bit of fun while it lasted.
yesterday, we left at about 5 on a bus for our hour long trip to candellario. this is one of the coolest things that i have ever been to. these people have been getting together on sundays and killing bulls for hundreds of years and it was amazing to be a part of it. my thingee will only let me post 4 pictures at a time or i would put up more. anyway candellario is a tiny town way up in the mountains. and yesterday was the fiesta of the town's patron saint (no one i had ever heard of but whatever) so there was the bullfight and then a huge celebration in throughtout the town.
the bullfight begins with a guy on horseback, who comes out and wounds the bull from the horse, which is absolutely incredible. we then gets down and finishes him off with his sword.

they then have other bulls and they get killed by a matador that is on the ground in the ring. these fellows have some serious cajones

the matador here had already stabbed him with his sword, which you can kind of see behind the pole. he then holds out his bloody hand and as a show of respect to the bull

yea so our last hours here. tenemos exams tomorrow and then we leave early wednesday morning on a bus to madrid and then we catch a flight to paris. should be a fun rest of the week, wish we could have seen landis in paris yesterday, but im sure they will still be hating americans just as much when we get there. oh yea we got an email from the US embassy over here telling us to avoid a few areas of madrid this week because of anti-american protests. should be exciting. also yesterday, some amazing girl, who has chosen to remain anonymous to me, took my clothes out of the dryer and folded them for me. truly a good person. thats it for now, time to start packing. i might put up some more pics later if i get bored