oh what a time
where to begin, where to begin? ill start with wednesday. wednesday we had midterms and then we had an all night celebration. i was doing my laundry, i went out, and when i came back to put it in the dryar, of course its locked. well i am not waking up the priest at 3am, so i come up stairs, pack the few clothes that i didnt have in the washing machine and set out to the train station for our 4am train. well my reservation on the train was in a car full of six non-deodorant wearing spaniards. yea so i slept on the floor of a train again. anyway thursday we get to lisbon at about 11am and then we head out for a place to stay. we had portugese speaking jen with us and she suggested we go out to this little city called cascais that is right on the beach. we did and we talked to the tourism department and the lady there set us up in an apartment for the weekend. very tight. so we went there and then went to eat some good ole portugessian mcdonalds. quite delicious. did the rest of the day on the beach and then went and heard an irishman play americans songs that we could sing along with. it was a good time.

On friday me and middies rented bikes and rode to this place called the boca de inferno. we wanted to go swimming in it but the locals told us that it was suicide so we decided against it. came back friday night and i had one of the most delicious fishes i have ever eaten. it was a codfish in garlic with potatoes, prepared by a south african gent that owns this rooftop restaurant. very tight.

saturday we rode our bikes 10 km around the south coast of lisbon to the atlantic beaches. they were unbelievable. the surf was great and i was going to rent a board but i touched the water and it was like 70 degrees. so instead we just chilled on the beach all day and got sunburnt. came back that night and the south african made us prawns that were also quite delicious. if anyone is ever going to portugal then i will set you up with a good restaurant

sunday we got up and took back our bikes, went and toured lisbon and then got on a train and came home. i would go into more detail but im tired of typing. i got to witness alot of drama between the three couples that came on the trip with me and middies. very hilarious but next time i go somewhere i am not going with whiney girls.