oh well
well we went to go rent cars to drive to pamplona yesterday afternoon after class and the place was already closed, so my group that was going got up this morning at 8 to go get on the bus to go. everyone got up and tried to get me up, but i deemed it was necessary to ignore everyone and sleep through all of this activity until about 3 oclock this afternoon. instead me and few folks went and found a pool and chilled out all day. its was quite a nice break. we walked around the city for about an hour after that and got to see a little bit more. and we found a pizza hut to eat at and it was delicous. we are going to celebrate carter's twenty first birthday in a little while so hopefully ill get some interesting pictures from that tonight. the weekend has been nice, we are getting up and going to avilia for the day tomorrow morning and hopefully go to a bull fight. should be fun. oh yea and i ate some jamon iberico today. shane told me to go out and find it so we went out and got some today and it was very good. otay im out peace