a salamanca... pero no tengo mi maleta
well we made it here okay, im still traveling light and have come to the realization that i may not ever get my bag back, which i am okay with, im simply going to kill every single employee of air france. this is a direct threat to air franceĀ“s longevity, because without employees businesses tend to suffer. we talked to the airline and they still havent found my bag. every other person taht lost their luggage has it back now, but me. its one of those great stories you always here people tell, about their buddy who went the whole trip with nothing and its really funny if you know that guy, but it is not funny if you are that guy. anyway...we got here today, the wireless internet isnt working in our dorm so i cant post pictures of my 8 by 12 jail cell that i live in. its actually pretty nice if you are okay with being crammed in a very small area. we have our own showers and a desk in each room. our lunch food was good and somehow i managed to sleep through every other activity we had today. we start class in the morning so im about to go grab some midnight dinner and then go to sleep. me and my buddy carter did our own tour of the city today walking around trying to find soccer jerseys and something else for me to wear. we eventually called it quits and got a few bottles of wine to accompany our siesta and so i wouldnt be so bitter towards everyone.
we are having a blast and it doesnt look like my classes will be too hard, so past having nothing everything is looking good. sorry im spending so much cash but i dont know what else to do. im goin to eat. peace